On Sun, 16 January 2000, Derrick Bennett wrote:
I was actually looking for current Mae-West Stats as the page I have ended last year. I thought someone had asked this recently but found that the nanog mailing list search site stopped in october of 99. Does anyone know where newer mae-west stats may be and if the archives for nanog will be updated soon ?
I was told (going from memory, so I hope Steve will correct me) there was a SNMP problem collecting stats on mae-west last fall. Since MCI/Worldcom is changing to a new statistics package, instead of fixing the old ones, the new statistics should show up real soon. But I guess like many software projects its been delayed. Because the stats from Ameritech and the MAE's are essentially the only publically available measures of multi-provider Internet traffic, I hope they come back. Sprint & Pacbell/Bellcore used to have some stats, but all the links I had have stopped working. It would be nice to get some aggregate numbers for private interconnects, but I guess it isn't a realistic dream.