On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 6:06 PM <adamv0025@netconsultings.com> wrote:
Sure I get it it's a very valid and a noble point, But what you're asking is let it break (yes potentially -it's just probability until it happens) for 1000s of subs just so that one kiddo has a working niche feature, I can already see what board has to say about that -screw that kid we have money to make there's our brand at stake (yes again just potentially -it's just probability until it actually happens) -but you'll already know what they're gonna say. So yes on a technical level I agree with you, but on a commercial level it's a tough case to make.
So why not disable ICMP Echo and UDP traceroute, those kids using network diagnostics don't need them. For clue constrained audience fear will always be the most compelling argument. -- ++ytti