Goes in the same category as this bit of news: IETF Announces IPv4 flag day for 1/1/2014. Today, IETF and IESG jointly announced that IPv4 would no longer be supported on the global internet after 1/1/2014. Those wishing to continue using the internet in 2014 and beyond should move to IPv6. Owen On Apr 1, 2013, at 4:09 PM, Joshua Goldbard <j@2600hz.com> wrote:
Normally I wouldn't bother the respected members of NANOG with a product launch email, but this is such a unique application that I felt it was necessary.
2600hz is saying goodbye to SMS, Voice and even Video. Today we're launching a service we'd like to call BrainRTC. It's going to completely revolutionize communications.
Check it out here: http://blog.2600hz.com/post/46886639094/voice-and-video-are-dead-heres-the-f...
Cheers, Joshua
Joshua Goldbard VP of Marketing, 2600hz
116 Natoma Street, Floor 2 San Francisco, CA, 94104 415.886.7923 | j@2600hz.com<mailto:j@2600hz.com>