It's not completely the fault of anything except the end-user. It's like the Jimmy Buffet song says: Evolution is mean, there's no dumbass vaccine scott On Wed, 28 Jan 2004, Dave Temkin wrote: : >>> : They rate of it is quite surprising. By the description, the trick : >>> : method of infection does not seem all that different than past worms : >>> : viri. Makes me wonder how many people in a room would reach into : >> : their purse/pocket on hearing, "Wallet inspector" : >>> : >>> Every single person that still opens these damn attachments! :-( : > : >IN WINDOWS! : : So? Had the virii been an application compiled for RedHat and : everyone ran RedHat instead of Windows and they downloaded it using : Evolution and double clicked on it, it would suddenly be RH's fault : instead of MIcrosoft's? Or is it sendmail's fault because it was : listening on port 25 and allowed the worm to connect to it? Newsflash: : Even those using Netscape Mail, Lotus Notes, etc. on the PC were still : potentially infected due to the nesting of the virii. : : The worm was not spread through any vulnerability in the operating system, : unlike NIMDA/SQLSlammer/etc. This worm was propogated through pure user stupidity, and : that'll follow any operating system that Dell/Gateway pre-installs for : them. If everyone wants to flame MS, at least do it in a way that doesn't : show your own ignorance. : : : -Dave :