On Thu, 30 Oct 1997, Paul Peterson wrote:
Im not sure of your logic about disabling the "invalid in-addr.arpa" filtering from your sendmail. I wouldn't do it for just one of my customers and expose the rest of my customers to spammers that intentionally try to hide themselves by faking a return address and/or
Heh...and I thought it was a great _new_ idea of mine. :) I did try to explain to the client why the rule had been instituted, though I don't think he grasped it, and let him know that I would only remove it temporarily and that I would notify his correspondant of the problem and let them know they need to fix their problem.
a. It is a proper and complete DNS config to have reverse mapping to your ip
Some providers make it very difficult to get this setup, and if you're cut off from most of the net because your provider is lame, that would suck.
problems as their problems and not ours. Already there are a ton of TCP wrapper applications, FTP sites, telnet sites, Netscape U.S. Encryption pages for Navigator, etc that will not allow access with improper or non-existant reverse DNS entries. Would you consider not doing gethostbynames on your entire web server because one of your web clients
For these things, I can just tell people the client networks are broken and even give them clues to help fix things...but for the in-addr.arap mail thing, the issue was "it worked last week...why can't we get mail from them now?".
As for responsible service providers disconnecting abusers, we have disconnected around 10 of them so far. I guess wer'e luck we haven't ran into a Spamford Wallace yet huh ?
We terminated someone recently for spamming through an account elsewhere. :) She had the misfortune of spamming a huge list of invalid email addresses from another provider using an account setup to forward her mail to her FDT account. We got burried in bounces...most from aol. The provider forwarding the bounces to us ended up shutting off smtp for a few days. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Jon Lewis <jlewis@fdt.net> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/message. Florida Digital Turnpike | ______http://inorganic5.fdt.net/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key____