On Thu, 1 Feb 2001, Charles Sprickman wrote:
On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Henry R. Linneweh wrote:
I understand that, the issue I had with this is in the presentation "Major net security holes identified", Should have read "Major net security holes fixed " this would have been fair to Paul and crew. is all I am saying.....
I think that with the remote-shell exploit just released on Bugtraq the next article will have to revert to "Major security hole found - chaos ensues".
Well, in typical Bugtraq script-loser fashion, the remote-shell exploit was actually a trojan to attack NAI: \xa1\x45\x03\x96 == == dns1.nai.com So, it turns out it's not too aweful bad of a day (unless you're NAI) and at least you still have a few minutes before a _real_ remote-shell exploit is released. --- John Fraizer EnterZone, Inc