On Fri, 5 Aug 2005, Joe Abley wrote:
Creating a seperate instance or path though all that for IPv6 is probably going to be hard if it is all setup for everything to go one way.
I know people who have set up such things using reverse proxies (listen on v6 for query, relay request to v4 server farm via existing load balancer).
The "standard" KAME v6 stack comes with a network interface for exactly this purpose: "faith". It provides essentially an all-ports proxy from a v6 TCP client to a v4 TCP server. Its original stated purpose is to provide access to v4 for a v6-only local net, but it can be trivially used on the other end to provide a v6 inbound connection point for a local v4-only server. Perhaps a "load balancer v6 wrapper"? -- -- Todd Vierling <tv@duh.org> <tv@pobox.com> <todd@vierling.name>