As you may know, Verisign, in its role as the Root Zone Maintainer is also the operator of the root zone Zone Signing Key (ZSK). Later this year, we will increase the size of the ZSK from 1024-bits to 2048-bits. The root zone ZSK is normally rolled every calendar quarter, as per our “DNSSEC Practice Statement for the Root Zone ZSK operator.”[1] The ZSK public keys are signed at quarterly key signing ceremonies by ICANN in its role as the IANA Functions Operator. On September 20, 2016 the 2048-bit ZSK will be pre-published in the root zone, following the standard ZSK rollover procedure. We intend to begin publishing root zones signed with the first 2048-bit ZSK on October 1, 2016. Some details of the ZSK size transition have recently been presented at the DNS-OARC, NANOG, RIPE, ICANN, and IETF meetings.[2] If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at zms@verisign.com. Please feel free to forward this message to anyone who might not have seen it here. [1] https://www.verisign.com/assets/dps-zsk-operator-1532.pdf [2] https://ripe72.ripe.net/wp-content/uploads/presentations/168-verisign-zsk-ch...