In message <WQE8G0a2F$SNFA9t@perry.co.uk>, Roland Perry writes:
In article <20110204000954.A64C79A9FED@drugs.dv.isc.org>, Mark Andrews <marka@isc.org> writes
These are just my straw poll of what may be difficult for small enterprises in a change to IPv6.
It isn't "change to", its "add IPv6".
I expect to see IPv4 used for years inside homes and enterprises where there is enough IPv4 addresses to meet the internal needs. It's external communication which needs to switch to IPv6. Internal communication just comes along for the ride.
If people start supplying CPE that are running IPv6 on the outside and IPv4 NAT in the inside, then that would just fine, in the sense that the users (in this case including the self-administrators of these small enterprise networks) won't notice the difference. -- Roland Perry
They exist are starting to exist and the feature sets keep expanding. I just wish that all vendors would stop shipping IPv4 only equipement. For example the D-LINK DIR-615 does just about everything upsteam except SLAAC which you want if you want to insert it into the middle of your network and not at the border. I havn't explictly asked D-LINK about SLAAC upstream but I couldn't find it in the manual. Newer firmware I believe does PD (again not in the manuals on the web). D-LINK claim they have routers that do 6rd. The DIR-615 is priced within a home budget but at the upper end. I was looking to buy one for home. Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: marka@isc.org