3 Dec
3 Dec
12:16 p.m.
From: Mark Newton [mailto:newton@internode.com.au] On 03/12/2009, at 9:51 AM, Dave Temkin wrote:
You're correct, out of the box there aren't many. The first couple that come to mind are the Apple Airport Express and Airport Extreme, but I don't believe Linksys/Netgear/etc. have support out of the box.
The Apple products do 6to4 out of the box, but don't support v6 natively.
FWIW - The (Cisco) Linksys 610N does (and perhaps others do?) the same amount of IPv6 the Airport Extreme does - 6to4, SLAAC - out of the box, by default. In fact, I am not sure you can turn it off ... /TJ