In message <CAL9jLaaSLcS55ZO-UO0pmVeFEGmHvXxVse6WgxO_gKQb88p4iA@mail.gmail.com> Christopher Morrow <morrowc.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
"who cares about the sale?"
My apologies. I see that I have failed to be adequately clear. There was no "sale". There was only theft, and then stolen goods being passed from hand to hand to hand, ultimately ending up in the hands of Mr. Cohen, who has acted and who is still acting, even as we speak, as the penultimate monitizer of these purloined resources, with the ongoing and helpful endorsement, I should note, of the Merit RADB data base: https://pastebin.com/raw/115RifX3 https://pastebin.com/raw/r9SRMJJk Please note in particular, in that first file, Mr. Cohen's route object for the entire block... a block which AFRINIC historical WHOIS records show clearly was and is the rightful property of a thing called "Infoplan", which was the South African national government's captive IT services arm until the passage of the "SITA Act" (1998) in South Africa, by whose express and explict terms what used to be "Infoplan" was subsumed and taken over, lock, stock and barrel, by the South African government's newly formed replacement captive IT services provider, The State Information and Technology Agency (SITA): https://pastebin.com/raw/cXLy6QYf But apparently, by some miracle of persuasiveness, in addition to making the Right Friends inside that Australian national government AND inside the administration of the City of Cape Town... at least briefly... Mr. Cohen also also deftly persuaded the national government of South Africa that they really didn't need that $4 million dollar (USD) IPv4 asset after all (i.e. the block) and that they should sell it to him for an as yet undisclosed price.
If the outcome of 'someone' controlling IP space is that there is abusive activity coming from that space...
Nobody knows what the hell is really going on with that space or what Mr. Cohen's customers need quite so much IPv4 space for... an amount that lots of folks in the ARIN region would kill for. I tried to make some polite inquiries with one of Mr. Cohen's apparent better and more noteworthy customers, and I am still awaiting some reply, adequate or otherwise, from that company. In the meantime, Mr. Cohen's English language web site became notably scrubbed of the glowing customer testimonials with which it had been previously adorned, shortly before I started asking questions. Nothing at all suspicious about that, now is there? It would appear that at least one of the companies that are Mr. Cohen's best customers, and that had previously given Mr. Cohen's company glowing testimonials no longer wish to have their company names associated with him or his company, at least not in public. Now why do you suppose that might be? And what are THEY doing with the large and illicitly snatched IPv4 blocks that he has leased to them? In due course, I will have more to say about Mr. Cohen's customers and what I believe them to be up to, based on the evidence.
If the 'rightful owners' of the space need/want it back there's clear redress for them via their RIR and the various networks which are / were offering transit to these prefixes.
No, actually, there isn't, and that's the point. Firstly, the RIRs are not the Internet Police, and by and large they are adamantly unwilling (and allegedly even unable) to interject even so much as their views or firmly held beliefs into the global BGP system of routing. In fact, the overwhelming majority of them are so throughly cowed, both by their memberships and their respective legal teams, that they dare not even speak the truth of whether it is night or day for fear of such public pronouncements being the cause of subsequent litigation. With regards to transit providers, Mr. Cohen and his ill-gotten resorces have now, at long last, been 100% kicked off of Cogent, indicating that even they, at least, find it no longer plausibly deniable that most or all of Mr. Cohen's allegedly purchased IPv4 space just simply doesn't belong to him. It only took them about 15 days of fiddling to finally come around to this inescapable conclusion, but better late than never. With regards to to the various relevant transit providers for the small group of commonly-owned Dutch networks to which Mr. Cohen has, of late, been migrating his booty, I have already spent more than a week, politely browbeating all of these transit providers, as well as an official at AMS-IX, and I have tried my best to acquaint them all with the plain facts of this case. The net effect of all this effort on my part has been that AMS-IX has shrugged and told me that there is simply nothing they can do, and the transit providers have politely informed me that they are all "still investigating". Meanwhile, Mr. Cohen continues to laugh all the way to the bank, and continues to enjoy much connectivity, centered primarily in Amsterdam, and all of it apparently immune to anything resembling "peer pressure". Th net effects of my sincere entreaties, over the past week or more, to the various relevant transit providers, and to AMS-IX, do not appear to have been materially influenced at all by me sharing with all of these folks the information that the following commonly-owned and mutually interconnected Dutch "bullet proof" networks seem to be Mr. Cohen's destination of choice these days: Novogara, ltd. -- AS204655 FiberXpress -- AS57717 **** Reba Holding -- AS56611 **** IP Volume, Inc. -- AS202425 **** SpectraIP, B.V. -- AS62068 (The ASNs with the asterisks above are all residents in AMS-IX.) The above named networks and companies can all quite easily be tied directly to two Dutch gentlemen named Ferdinand Reinier Van Eeden and Bartholomeus Johannes ("Bap") Karreman. All available public records point to the conclusion that these two gentlemen, or perhaps Mr. Van Eeden alone, are the proprietors -and- owners of all of the above named companies and networks. Why they need quite so many is something I leave for them to comment on, if they so wish. It is worthy of note however that many most or all of the IPv4 blocks currently assigned, by RIPE to what is nowadays called "IP volume, Inc."... an entity allegedly incorporated in the Seychelles Islands... were blocks that were prevously the property of the bullet proof Dutch hosting company known, until its disapperance, as Ecatel, and that these same blocks were then the property of the Dutch bullet proof hosting network known as Quasi Networks, until it's disapperance, in turn. https://pastebin.com/raw/9zft6eVZ https://pastebin.com/raw/6czXQVTg https://pastebin.com/raw/Y1j5B1cp Based on the historical record, one could be forgiven, I think, for inferring that Mr. Van Eeden and Mr. Karreman, in the form of their various corporate personas, may have repeatedly changed their stripes in order to avoid scrutiny and/or to dodge the bad publicity associated with their prior and now defunct networking company facades. I mean seriously... Who would today guess that IP Volume, or either Mr. Van Eeden or Mr. Karreman had ever had anything at all to do with the now dissolved Quasi Networks, a company that even Dhia Mahjoub, head of Cicso's Umbrella network security division characterized, in his RIPE-77 presentation, as an unrepentant "bullet proof hoster"? (See slide 11, lower right.) https://ripe77.ripe.net/wp-content/uploads/presentations/134-RIPE77_Anti_Abu... So now, it seems, after having had their prior bullet proof corporate entities become of such ill-repute that they became a hidrance, rather than a help, Mr. Van Eeden and Mr. Karreman have now discovered the advantages of the Seychelles Islands, where questions can be asked, but where none are ever answered. (Mind you that is -only- where Mr. Van Eeden's and Mr. Karreman's latest business venture is incorpotated. The acutual network is still very firmly in place in Amsterdam, as far as I can tell.) And now that the demonstratably ethical Mr. Cohen has had his ass kicked to the curb by even Cogent, he has signed up for routing service with the ever socially-responsible Mr. Van Eeden and Mr. Karreman. Who woulda thunk it! The important take away is that all of these clowns and crooks are still very much in business, as we speak and, as I have said, laughing all the way to the bank. The transit providers and AMS-IX all apparently need something more than I have it in my power to give them, before they can be persuaded to drop all of these mischievous turkeys, as they all quite certainly should. In the case of AMS-IX, it is my sincere hope that it will not again require another unfortunate confrontation with Spamhaus in order to bring them around to yet another "Come To Jesus" moment, but at present they do appear bent on defending their rights to do the indefensible, despite anything approximating reasoned argument... as has happened before in their case. I never like to generalize to entire populations, and I will therefore refrain from suggesting any endemic or widespread defect in the Dutch national psyche, but I cannot help but note that, as pointed out in the MyBroadband.co.za news report, a gentleman named Maikel Uerlings, who is also Dutch, and who presently appears to be notably absent from the Netherlands, perhaps due to certain less-than-friendly legal entanglements, is also, it appears, intimately connected to Mr. Cohen and to his business, such as it is. It would be entirely improper for me to say or even to suggest that the Dutch are any more inclined toward cybercrime, or toward looking the other way while it takes place, than anyone else. I will instead only paraphrase William Shakespeare and say that there is something rotten in the Netherlands, and that whatever it is, it ain't doing their national reputation any good at all. I continue to hope that they themselves will rectify that in short order. Regards, rfg