Please don’t praise or complain like we’re supposed to take it at a total face value. If you don’t like them so much - we are you’re audience. Explain. If you like Cogent - explain. If you don’t like Cogent - explain. Cheers, Stephen //please pardon any brevities - sent from mobile//
On Sep 16, 2019, at 10:01 PM, Mike Lyon <mike.lyon@gmail.com> wrote:
Whenever asked about Cogent, i just say, “Friends don’t let friends use Cogent.”
I’ve told two of their reps over the past two years that even if the service was free, i wouldn’t use it. And yet, they still call.
On Sep 16, 2019, at 13:53, Ronald F. Guilmette <rfg@tristatelogic.com> wrote:
In message <E814E5F6-F386-4AAE-BADA-E423D299A4FB@delong.com>, Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com> wrote:
Given their practice of harvesting whois updates in order to spam newly acquired AS contacts, any time it is my decision, Cogent is ineligible as a vendor.
So I guess then that their aiding and abetting of fraud and IP block theft, as I documented here recently, is an entirely secondary concern... as long as they don't spam you, yes?
Regards, rfg