4 May
4 May
5:50 p.m.
On Sat, 04 May 2019 10:46:41 -0700, Randy Bush said:
to do it, i have to start ffox.��and 100 tabs will open and javascript will flood in.
recipe - turn off internet connectivity - start firefox - `kill -s sigkill` it - restart it, do not restore sesstion - turn internet back on - go to prefs / privacy and enable studio - wait until `about:studies` shows you got the two updates - allow sessions to restart
Keep in mind that if Firefox exits between 'do not restore session' and 'allow sessions to restart', all the tabs may vanish into the ether. Been burned by that before. May want to tar up your .mozilla directory for safe keeping (or whatever needs to be done on boxes where tar'ing up a directory isn't a thing....)