-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii ============================================================================= Heads-Up to Network Service Providers - IP Spoofing Attacks CERT Coordination Center June 29, 1995 ============================================================================== Over the past few weeks, we have received reports of 170 IP spoofing attacks against Internet sites internationally. We are sending you this "heads-up" because you are a likely target. At least 80 of the targets we know of are name servers, routers, and other network operation systems. The attacks have been largely successful, we continue to receive reports, and we are concerned that more attacks are going undetected. We urge you to check your systems and routers for any signs of compromise and to use the information in CERT advisory CA-95:01, "IP Spoofing Attacks and Hijacked Terminal Connections," to help protect yourself, detect IP spoofing attacks, and recover from root compromises. The advisory is available by anonymous FTP from ftp://info.cert.org/pub/cert_advisories This "heads-up" contains additional information about what you can do, as well as issues to consider before taking action. Please feel free to forward this to other providers of Internet services. Communicating with us - ---------------------- Warning: For sensitive information, use encrypted email. You will find the CERT public PGP key at the end of this document. We would appreciate it if you would let us know whether you are watching for IP spoofed packets on your networks (or plan to do so). If you see spoofed packets, we'd like to learn how many you see and from how many different sites; this will help us determine the scope and pattern of the attacks. We will keep all detailed information and the identity of organizations confidential. Because of our workload, we must ask you not to send log files of activity, but we would be happy to work with you as needed on how to interpret data that you may collect. If you see activity that indicates an attack is in progress, we encourage you to contact your customer, or other involved sites or their service provider. We have some general information on IP spoofing and on recovering from a compromise that we can make available to you for your customers' use. We would also be happy to provide guidance and advice, if needed, on how to handle incidents and work with law enforcement. ............................................................................. Some things you can do - ---------------------- It is possible to check network traffic for indications of the type of attack we are currently seeing. Before doing so, please look at the next section, "Issues to consider before taking action." There are several classes of packets that you could watch for. The most basic is any TCP packet where the network portion (Class A, B, or C or a prefix and length as specified by CIDR, the Classless Inter-Domain Routing specification) of the source and destination addresses are the same but neither are from your local network. These packets would not normally go outside the source network unless there is a routing problem, worthy of additional investigation, or the packets actually originated outside your network. The latter may occur with Mobile IP testing, but an attacker spoofing the source address is a more likely cause. For a NAP or NSP, the interface into which a packet arrived indicates the direction of the source of the attack. The packet's destination address indicates the "trusted" host involved in an attack. That information suggests which hosts may be under attack. There are public domain and vendor provided tools available for checking your networks for IP spoofed packets. Among them are Argus, tcpdump, and snoop. Argus 1.5 - --------- Argus is an IP network transaction-auditing tool developed at the Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie Mellon University. The Argus 1.5 distribution includes scripts that perform simple network administrative tasks, one of which is IP spoofing detection. The data that Argus generates makes it possible to analyze network activity and performance in ways that have not been possible before. For example, you can answer questions such as, "Were there any IP spoofing attempts into our firewall network over the past 8 hours?" The developers of Argus have made the tools available from ftp://ftp.sei.cmu.edu/pub/argus-1.5 If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please send mail to argus@sei.cmu.edu. Scripts - ------- At the end of this document ("Attachment A") are scripts you may want to use to check your network. We are aware that the Internet is now "classless," meaning that the old notion of class A, B, and C addresses is being replaced with a prefix and length notation, also known as CIDR. Even so, the scripts, which are based on classes, may be useful to some service providers. In all the IP spoofing incidents reported to us to date, we believe that the scripts would have shown the spoofed packets. (The problem here is that these scripts may either show other packets labeled as spoofed or not show true spoofed packets due to CIDR.) A standalone machine running tcpdump or equivalent should be able to run these scripts without affecting the performance of the local net. It may be possible to configure routers to do this check directly but we are not currently aware of any systems on which this is possible. .............................................................................. Issues to consider before taking action - --------------------------------------- Before writing this "heads-up," we consulted colleagues on other response teams, several network service providers, and other technical experts. They raised the following issues, and there surely are others you should consider before taking action. Technical and performance issues: - There may be too many "false positives." Two causes are mobile IP and misconfigurations; there may be other causes as well. - The feasibility of installing network monitors may depend on network topology. - It is not clear how many monitoring machines you would need to pinpoint the problem. - When the tcpdump and snoop scripts were tested on a dedicated Sun IPX connected to a T1, the impact on performance was only marginal. Long-haul tests with similar scripts do not have performance problems either. - Anything above a T1 is going to cause some performance problems (applications like tcpdump and snoop do not work very well at all on DS3 or FDDI interfaces). Legal issues: - - Some service providers believe that checking your network as we suggest is all right; others believe that there may be a problem. We urge you to check with your legal advisors about analyzing packet header information, analyzing traffic content to detect unauthorized activity, and analyzing internal traffic and customer-bound traffic. - - For US service providers, the Digital Telephony Bill of 1994 is relevant; in particular, check the amended provision found at 18 U.S.C. 2511(2) (a) (i), which permits an electronic communications service and its employees to ...intercept, disclose, or use that communication in the normal course of...employment while engaged in any activity which is a necessary incident to the rendition of...service or to the protection of the rights or property of the provider of that service.... .............................................................................. Attachment - Scripts for Checking Networks - -------------------------------------------- We have tested the following scripts on a recent version of tcpdump and snoop ( would be replaced by the site's local net, of course): --- script for tcpdump --- #!/bin/sh tcpdump 'tcp and not dst net and ( (ip[12]&0x80=0 and ip[12]=ip[16]) or (ip[12]&0xc0=0x80 and ip[12]=ip[16] and ip[13]=ip[17]) or (ip[12]&0xe0=0xc0 and ip[12]=ip[16] and ip[13]=ip[17] and ip[14]=ip[18]) )' (Note this only seems to work with tcpdump-3.0.2 and libpcap-0.0.6 currently.) --- script for snoop --- #!/bin/sh snoop 'tcp and not net and ((ip[12]&0x80=0 and ip[12]=ip[16]) or (ip[12]&0xc0=0x80 and ip[12]=ip[16] and ip[13]=ip[17]) or (ip[12]&0xe0=0xc0 and ip[12]=ip[16] and ip[13]=ip[17] and ip[14]=ip[18]))' (Note that this does not appear to work with Solaris 2.3 machines.) To more accurately analyze network traffic, it is useful to first describe the network topology; for example: ---------------- | INTERNET | ---------------- | ---------- | | NETWORK | ---------------- | MONITOR | | ROUTER | ---------- ---------------- | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |MAC-A |MAC-B |MAC-C --------- --------- --------- |ROUTER | |ROUTER | |ROUTER | --------- --------- --------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf Cg Ch Ci (MAC-A, MAC-B, and MAC-C refer to the ethernet addresses of the router interfaces attached to the same network as the network monitor machine.) In this case, the machine used to check network traffic could be any machine capable of running tcpdump, snoop, or any other packet capture and analysis software. This machine could be programmed so that any packets that match the following expression are displayed. tcp and ( not ether src MAC-A and ( src net Ca or src net Cb or src net Cc ) not ether src MAC-B and ( src net Cd or src net Ce or src net Cf ) not ether src MAC-C and ( src net Cg or src net Ch or src net Ci ) ) This expression looks at the source address of each packet and identifies those that did not originate from the correct interface. This example should be extensible to take CIDR into account. For example, if the CIDR specification of network Ca is 192.9.200/21, then the sub-expression: src net Ca should be replaced with: ip[12:4]&0xfffff800= .............................................................................. 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