I belive it will take a volunteer effort ... --- On Wed, 21 May 1997 00:56:00 -0400 (EDT) Todd Graham Lewis <lists@reflections.eng.mindspring.net> wrote:
For everyone bitching about the S/N on Nanog, I have a few questions:
- Where's the "Official Nanog IGPs for Dummies" book?
Some people have put together some good tutorial pages ... Check http://www.titania.net/ for some links to the few I know of .. I would be happy to send Merit an HTML copy for the NANOG pages (minus any commercial content).
- How about the virtual-RADB-workshop software for Windows and Linux, so college students and waiters at cybercafe's can start practicing the registering of their route objects?
Download the software and run it at home ... ;-)
- "OpenIOS", the IOS clone for Unix that lets people practice router configuration and monitoring w/o shelling out $1k for a 2501?
This should be gated ... development and research licence is free ... just need to write the gated consortium.
- Where's the official Nanog "Reccommended Practices" archive, encapsulating years of hard-won wisdom on the part of NANOs?
Yeah ... the stuff you can hardly see between the flames. We need a few people to gleen the list and turn it into a web page. Perhaps the best ideas and hints of the year page.
Where are the mailing lists for these Nanog-sanctioned projects so I can spend my evenings helping out instead of flaming lusers like Hurst on Nanog?
Got me ...
Does anyone give a shit about training the next generation of network operators, or maybe increasing the clue factor of the present one?
Yes. ... even training this generation.
... Or does my flaming Fleming wannabe's on Nanog reflect the generally cynical attitude among members towards Nanog in general?
-- Todd Graham Lewis
Perhaps Paul Vixie can lead the discussion on the last subject. ;-) or don't read postings with ^\@ or " ?" in them. -- From: Joseph T. Klein, Titania Corporation http://www.titania.net E-mail: jtk@titania.net Sent: 00:47:17 CST/CDT 05/21/97 If the Internet stumbles, it will not be because we lack for technology, vision, or motivation. It will be because we cannot set a direction and march collectively into the future. -- http://info.isoc.org/internet-history/#Future