John, With all due respect, it's S.O.P. for Nanogen to ask the list if anyone else is experiencing a particular problem with some carrier or another. So Nate's question is totally appropriate for this list. I know I've solved several problems by airing them here and getting insight from other list members. -mel beckman
On Aug 26, 2016, at 4:13 PM, John Levine <johnl@iecc.com> wrote:
In article <CALtoqtSn9JWUuho7ffT+Ma79PCvpmDCNymnfcYBXsRbebSRDVQ@mail.gmail.com> you write:
Help (and hi)!
I work in higher education and we've been experiencing problems with Google delaying or queuing email for delivery to our domain.
This is a question for Google, not for nanog. Only they know how their network is set up and how their mail servers are managed.
R's, John
PS: Also keep in mind that sometimes free services are worth what you pay for them.