You could just withdraw your BGP announcement for the net being attacked and suddenly the attack packets will die at the first router without a default route on their way to the victim.
...along with everything else. Do you have some way of determining which router that is? -- Phil Howard | stop6729@s5p0a6m6.org w2x8y9z0@lame1ads.net eat15me7@no6place.net phil | no12ads7@nowhere0.com die6spam@nowhere3.edu no70ads3@dumb1ads.com at | eat06me3@no20ads1.edu crash719@no6where.com stop4909@anywhere.net milepost | no12ads2@anywhere.org stop2ads@spam7mer.net no0spam0@no0where.edu dot | blow0me5@spam5mer.org end6ads8@lame4ads.org no3way57@no4where.org com | stop7211@no8where.net suck8it5@dumbads3.net eat69me1@no16ads1.edu