FWIW, I should think that xDSL providers should be held to the same standards as Cable Internet providers. The similarities between the two (always-on, homes-passed, etc.) are enough that they should have the same criteria. If there is a difference in how they can get PI space, then that's something I think should be addressed. I don't think that trying to get the same methodology for address space assignments is "sneaky" really. My opinion, no one else's. :) D At 06:57 PM 11/7/99 -0800, Steve Rubin wrote:
On Sun, Nov 07, 1999 at 07:49:17PM -0500, Alex Pilosov wrote:
However, I noticed that requirements for initial 24.* block allocation do not specify existing allocations, and thought that sneaky way I might get PI /20 by just specifying our approximate use in 6 months of the address space.
...And since the ARIN folk read this mailing list, I suggest you change the name of your company before trying this now. ;)
-- Steve Rubin, Packet Monkey & Pilot - ser@tch.org - http://www.tch.org/~ser/