NSFNET Traffic Distribution Highlights March 1993 Packet Total: 34,874,064,400 Byte Total: 6,502,203,065,800 Service Name Port Rank Packet Count % Pkts Rank Byte Count % Byts ============ ==== ==== ============ ====== ==== ============= ====== ftp-data 20 1 8279042350 23.740 1 2933157697150 45.110 telnet 23 2 5265928200 15.100 4 361378044900 5.558 nntp 119 3 2926178750 8.391 2 609322233900 9.371 smtp 25 4 2443215200 7.006 3 396478596800 6.098 domain 53 5 1731471000 4.965 6 157806711950 2.427 ftp 21 6 730566100 2.095 9 64429501750 0.991 irc 6667 7 703252650 2.017 8 69347837550 1.067 icmp -1 8 634413950 1.819 10 50857619650 0.782 vmnet 175 9 454947500 1.305 5 165006133800 2.538 gopher 70 10 327717650 0.940 7 79023945150 1.215 X0 6000 11 279602550 0.802 11 48300762100 0.743 cmd/syslog 514 12 271915300 0.780 12 35153809700 0.541 login/who 513 13 223685900 0.641 13 22262183800 0.342 talk 517 14 212462050 0.609 14 21820335300 0.336 (unknown) 1023 15 172610350 0.495 16 16767055550 0.258 finger 79 16 166695800 0.478 17 15385492150 0.237 snmp 161 17 164575050 0.472 15 18249319150 0.281 ntp 123 18 125367100 0.359 25 9544144250 0.147 (unknown) 1022 19 86481600 0.248 19 14542602850 0.224 uucp 540 20 63177700 0.181 21 12344993750 0.190 (unknown) 1020 21 58279550 0.167 20 13987812450 0.215 (unknown) 1021 22 48658900 0.140 26 8956301150 0.138 ip -4 23 43916400 0.126 22 12148087450 0.187 ntalk 518 24 38390450 0.110 31 3940355450 0.061 unidata-ldm 388 25 37887200 0.109 18 15213706250 0.234 efs/router 520 26 33235450 0.095 24 9694732350 0.149 bgp 179 27 27590100 0.079 44 1920440300 0.030 (unknown) 703 28 19975600 0.057 28 6197171350 0.095 z39.50 210 29 19506350 0.056 29 5415741150 0.083 (unknown) 700 30 18819800 0.054 30 4147485950 0.064 www 80 35 11294550 0.032 32 3613584700 0.056 shilp/sun-nfs 2049 57 5071450 0.015 63 709518550 0.011 X1 6001 72 2636100 0.008 83 281638250 0.004 iso-ip -80 97 1131650 0.003 69 563371500 0.009 X2 6002 386 87100 0.000 346 17533600 0.000 X3 6003 567 36600 0.000 462 8546500 0.000 prospero 191 700 13950 0.000 432 10205800 0.000 Ordered by decreasing packet counts, this table includes the top 30 services and highlights other selected services. Information for this report is available only for TCP/UDP port numbers 0-1023, 2049, 6000-6003, 6667, and all Internet Protocols (differentiated from TCP/UDP ports by negating the protocol number). More detailed information is available for Anonymous FTP from NIC.MERIT.EDU (the Merit NIC Services machine) in the file "nsf-9303.ports" on the nsfnet/statistics/1993 directory.