Hello folks, Wanted to chime in to say that near-realtime outage data/graphs from the IODA (Internet Outage Detection and Analysis) system, at CAIDA, UC San Diego, are publicly available. For example, the following graph shows that the outage in Uganda began at ~4:00 PM UTC on Jan 13th and ended at ~9:00 AM UTC on Jan 18th: https://ioda.caida.org/ioda/dashboard#view=inspect&entity=country/UG&lastView=overview&from=1610280000&until=1611057600 <https://ioda.caida.org/ioda/dashboard#view=inspect&entity=country/UG&lastView=overview&from=1610280000&until=1611057600> Using the public dashboard you can view/check for outages affecting any country, sub-national region, and AS: https://ioda.caida.org/ioda/dashboard <https://ioda.caida.org/ioda/dashboard>. By default, the dashboard shows connectivity data for the last 24 hours, but users can specify any time range (up to a max of a month) back to several years. Note that a typical research infrastructure disclaimer applies: the system is still actively under development. While the automated alerts do contain false positives/negatives, the graphs provide users a clear view of what the underlying measurements tell us. Btw, IODA provides data/graphs also to ISOC Insights mentioned by Mat. Ramakrishna (Rama) Padmanabhan Postdoctoral researcher CAIDA, UC San Diego
On Jan 19, 2021, at 1:31 AM, Matthew Ford <ford@isoc.org> wrote:
On 18 Jan 2021, at 23:02, surfer <surfer@mauigateway.com> wrote:
ps. So far, I know of https://internetshutdowns.in and netblocks.org. If anyone knows more than these that're updated regularly please let me know. I am interested in 'real time' internet shutdowns globally.
https://insights.internetsociety.org/shutdowns is very much work-in-progress. With pages like https://insights.internetsociety.org/shutdowns/4992 we're trying to provide a curated archive of shutdown events. Not real time, but hopefully at least timely.
Feedback very welcome.