On October 11, 2018 at 13:41 sc@ottie.org (Scott Christopher) wrote:
Robert Kisteleki wrote:
(this is probably OT now...)
I'm pretty sure the "entire point" of inventing CVV was to prove you physically have the card.
Except that it doesn't serve that purpose. Anyone who ever had your card in their hands (e.g. waiters) can just write that down and use it later hence defeating the purpose of "physically having the card".
But waiters don't know your ZIP code which is the other thing needed for online verification (in the U.S.)
So be wary if they ask you for photo id which likely has your zip code! But asking for photo id is a good thing for legitimate card holders, could reduce fraudulent in-person use of stolen cards. What a mess.
3D Secure is good enough. It will probably be mandatory for payment processors sometime in the future. In the meantime, it just costs the industry less to cover fraud losses.
-- S.C.
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