On Sun, 21 Mar 2021, 16:30 Willy Manga, <mangawilly@gmail.com> wrote:
Message: 13 Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2021 12:46:57 -0600 From: David Siegel <arizonagull@gmail.com> [...] The board has been thinking about enhancements to the NANOG list for a couple of years now, with the goal of creating a modern interface that
On 21/03/2021 16:00, nanog-request@nanog.org wrote: the
younger generation of engineers will be more comfortable using.
May I suggest that if you *really* want such enhancement, perhaps upgrade the mailing-list to mailman3. It's still mailman but with those 'modern' features.
But more importantly (not only for NANOG by the way), maybe some kind of 'mailing-list 101' can be helpful sometimes. Many $vendors are fighting hard to make people forget what an email is.
Well baby boomers & gen-x will struggle to dump mail...I mean it simple and just works. We were trying to get a community of newbie techies mostly millennials & gen-z to actively engage on a list we subscribed them too for the past 2 years and believe me, I can count no more than 10 posts mainly from we few mailing list folk... When we requested for feedback, them gen-z cried out loud for interactions to happen on some social media app through groups or channels, and since they are the target audience and the majority, we settled for discord and telegram which they actively engage on :-). We still maintain the mailing list though and most announcement are done via it but things are changing hey.... Noah