nanog-isp at mail.com nanog-isp at mail.com Wed Jan 20 12:14:42 UTC 2016
Hello all,
Would those with IPv6 deployments kindly share some statistics on their percentage of IPv6 traffic? Bonus points for sharing top IPv6 sources. Anything else than the usual suspects, Google/YouTube, Netflix and Facebook?
Some public information I've found so far: - Comcast around 25% IPv6 traffic (http://www.lightreading.com/ethernet-ip/ip-protocols-software/facebook-ipv6-...) - Comcast has over 1 Tb/s (of mostly YouTube traffic) over IPv6 (http://corporate.comcast.com/comcast-voices/comcast-reaches-key-milestone-in...) - Swisscom 26% IPv6 traffic, 60% YouTube (http://www.swinog.ch/meetings/swinog27/p/01_Martin_Gysi.pdf)
I'd be very much interested in hearing from smaller ISPs, especially those having a very limited number of IPv4 addresses and/or running out.
Thanks, Jared
The v6 numbers from ^ NANOG post are now more than 1 year old. Thought to re-bump this thread. Would it be possible to share updated numbers of v6 traffic share within your network and % contribution by top apps. Thanks a bunch! -- Vaibhav -------------------------- Vaibhav Bajpai www.vaibhavbajpai.com Postdoctoral Researcher TU Munich, Germany --------------------------