In article <1161701455.21851.8.camel@localhost>, Jim Popovitch <jimpop@yahoo.com> writes
Florida law, Title 13 section 322.32(2), "Unlawful use of license" says "[i]t is a misdemeanor of the second degree ... for any person ... [t]o lend his or her driver's license to any other person or knowingly permit the use thereof by another."
That statute deals with someone else _using_ my license, but in no way implies that my license can't be _held_ by someone else. The title clearly states "use". ;-)
At the risk of being over-pedantic, the licence cannot be "used" by another person for the purposes of driving a car because it clearly does not apply to them (but only to the named and pictured person upon it). So I'll ask again: what sort of "use" does this statute prohibit? -- Roland Perry