On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 9:41 PM, Bruce Pinsky <bep@whack.org> wrote:
Glen Kent wrote:
Apologies in advance since this is off-topic. However, posting in on nanog since i am confident that we will have some experts who would be able to guide me here.
I want to study the standards (RFC equivalent) for sending and receiving SMSs. Any ideas on what kind of protocol runs between a mobile phone and a SMS center (SMSC)?
Wiki_Pedia is your friend http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_message_service
The Short Message Service - Point to Point (SMS-PP) is defined in GSM recommendation 03.40.[2] GSM 03.41 defines the Short Message Service - Cell Broadcast (SMS-CB) which allows messages (advertising, public information, etc.) to be broadcast to all mobile users in a specified geographical area.[16] Messages are sent to a Short Message Service Centre (SMSC) which provides a store-and-forward mechanism. It attempts to send messages to their recipients. If a recipient is not reachable, the SMSC queues the message for later retry.[17] Some SMSCs also provide a "forward and forget" option where transmission is tried only once. Both Mobile Terminated (MT), for messages sent to a mobile handset, and Mobile Originating (MO), for those that are sent from the mobile handset, operations are supported. Message delivery is best effort, so there are no guarantees that a message will actually be delivered to its recipient and delay or complete loss of a message is not uncommon, particularly when sending between networks. Users may choose to request delivery reports (simply add *0# or *N# to the beginning of your text message), which can provide positive confirmation that the message has reached the intended recipient.
Transmission of short messages between the SMSC and the handset is done using the Mobile Application Part (MAP) of the SS7 protocol. Messages are sent with the MAP mo- and mt-ForwardSM operations, whose payload length is limited by the constraints of the signalling protocol to precisely 140 octets (140 octets = 140 * 8 bits = 1120 bits). Short messages can be encoded using a variety of alphabets: the default GSM 7-bit alphabet (shown below), the 8-bit data alphabet, and the 16-bit UTF-16/UCS-2 alphabet.[18] Depending on which alphabet the subscriber has configured in the handset, this leads to the maximum individual Short Message sizes of 160 7-bit characters, 140 8-bit characters, or 70 16-bit characters (including spaces). Support of the GSM 7-bit alphabet is mandatory for GSM handsets and network elements,[18] but characters in languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Cyrillic alphabet languages (e.g. Russian) must be encoded using the 16-bit UCS-2 character encoding (see Unicode). Routing data and other metadata is additional to the payload size.
- -- ========= bep
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Depending on what you are doing, see also SMPP protocol as much inter-carrier SMS is carried over SMPP links. Also many external content providers send SMS messages to phones via SMPP to reach the carrier (news alerts, etc). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_message_peer-to-peer_protocol www.alvento.com/productos/sms/smpp/smpp34.pdf John B