I've never threatened to sue anyone in my life. On October 1, 1998 at 17:55 jcgreen@netins.net (Jon Green) wrote:
On Thu, 1 Oct 1998 18:30:23 -0400, bzs@world.std.com writes:
These appear to be some of the worst vermin on the net and are enormous time sink, and are being aided and abetted by what appears to be gross mismanagement, at best, and yet there you are ready in a second to leap to their defense?
Perhaps you should threaten to sue them, as you did a few years back when someone wanted to delink your IRC server.
Please, immediately telnet to the clue server and issue the 'get' command.
----------------------------------------------------------------- * Jon Green * "Life's a dance * * jcgreen@netins.net * you learn as you go" * * Finger for Geek Code/PGP * * * #include "std_disclaimer.h" * http://www.quadrunner.com/~jon * -------------------------------------------------------------------------