Dean Anderson writes:
Seriously Paul, I would like to have some kind of announcement made on Nanog before you do that again, so that people can tell you not to do it. Breaking a large service provider is definitely an operational issue. How much do you suppose such a service interuption cost the companies who couldn't communictate?
No one forces you to use the RBL. Personally, I feel Paul did the right thing. If you don't feel he did the right thing, feel free to not use the RBL.
Of course, many know the opposing view, that RBL causes third party relaying,
And with time, that is becoming less and less prevalent. Eventually, it will largely disappear.
Now that we are completely "addicted" to usenet cancels, how long before the cancelers start to extort "support" money from ISPs?
What Vix is doing probably isn't illegal by itself, though it might possibly violate trademark or the new copyright law when domain names are used.
Huh? Quit playing lawyer. You don't do it well. Paul could be sued on lots of bases, but it would be rather difficult to claim he was violating trademark or copyright even on the most strained of premises. Among other things, Mr. Anderson, HE DOESN'T BLOCK BASED ON NAMES. The RBL doesn't contain a single domain name. Even if it did, such a claim would be almost impossible to press, but given that he doesn't, it would be completely impossible to press. Perry