Robert Bonomi wrote:
OK, what am I missing?
*ASSUMPTION*: The holder of the /16 _has_ delegated rDNS for the 32 /24s to the /19 owner.
The /19 owner can, on it's nameserver, run an "authoritative" zone for the /16 -- with _its_ /24s listed explicitly, and a wildcard pointing back to the rDNS nameserver of the /16 owner.
"He who" queries from the outside world will work their way down from the .arpa zone, to the X.W.in-addr.arpa zone, get referred to the nameserver at "thiscompany", and get referred to the NS listed for Y.X.W.in-addr.arpa. which will resolve Z.Y.X.W.in-addr.arpa.
I'm not as versed in DNS protocols as I was in the past (which then didn't compare to some on this list), but won't this cause tons of "lame server" messages that could be eliminated by proper SWIPping? pt