More like driving with the hand break still engaged. Always, after changing the candidate config, run " show | compare" - loving junos. Regards Paschal Masha | Engineering Skype ID: paschal.masha From: "Mark Tinka" <mark@tinka.africa> To: "nanog" <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2022 12:23:09 PM Subject: DMARC ViolationDKIM ViolationRe: junos config commit question On 2/12/22 00:54, Jon Lewis wrote:
Also, get into the habit of never doing a commit without first doing top show | compare so you can see what your change is actually doing to the whole config. i.e. if you did a show | compare at the top of the config and saw the entire interfaces section of the config was "removed" in the resulting config diff, you probably wouldn't commit.
That is always my habit, with plenty of muscle memory... "show | compare". I have often found it interesting how many folk have muscle memory for "commit and-quit", including Juniper's own staff when I've had the pleasure of being with them on a PoC. It's almost as if I missed an entire period of Junos where that was deemed to be good practice :-). Mark.