So-called "broadband" user populations (cable, dsl, fixed wireless, mobile wireless) are full time connected, or nearly so. They are technically unsophisticated, on average. The platforms they run trade convenience for security, and must do so in order to remain competitive/relevant. Margin pressure makes it impossible for most "broadband" service providers to even catalogue known-defect customer systems or process complaints about them.
Those facts are not in dispute. And so, today, I began rejecting all e-mail from all roadrunner, attbi, interbusiness.it, comcast, and rogers customers. And as I discover the next several thousand /16's which contain this kind of user community I will reject their e-mail also. MAPS DUL doesn't go nearly far enough, nor do any of its lookalikes, not even SORBS DUHL.
MAPS or SORBS or somebody needs to set up a "BBL" (broad band list) which is just a list of "broadband" customer netblocks, with no moral/value judgement expressed or implied. If it's complete and updated frequently, I'd pay for a feed because of all the work it would save me personally and in my dayjob. (Apropos of JCurran's comments above, it wouldn't matter if netblocks on this "BBL" disabled outbound TCP/25, or not, so, they probably just wouldn't, but, they probably aren't going to, no matter whether a "BBL" exists or not.)
The new motto here is: "Blackhole 'em all and let market forces sort 'em out." -- Paul Vixie
As a current subscriber of Road Runner (not by choice - only other option is DSL from Screwed By Cowboys) - I think blame is being placed in the wrong area. These zombies are all what OS?? Oh yes the group of idiots based in Redmond, WA. That is where the true problem lies. Fix the damned operating system Micro$haft. If there was a blackhole list to block all Windows lUsers it would be more effective - granted that would also reduce email down to about 10% of the computing population. No zombies on my Macintosh regards..... -- Michael Jezierski BOFH - Chief LARTer - Slayer of Spam[mers] Master of the Clue-By-Four