From: E.B. Dreger [mailto:eddy+public+spam@noc.everquick.net] Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2001 8:05 AM
ORBS catches far more than MAPS.
As Randy stated "so does a hydrogen bomb". The problem is target acquisition and [the lack of] discrimination. The REASON tactical nukes aren't used regularly is the collateral damage issue.
My take is that anybody who has a problem with the infrequent ORBS probes should have a huge problem with the daily bombardment of relay attempts.
A system that tests positive for ORBS , yet is using MAPS, will not be used as a spam relay. Yet, ORBS will list such a system.
Bottom line: Blocking mail from rogue servers is the best way to stop spam and to not be a party to somebody else getting relay-raped. Anyone with clue closed relays how many years ago?
It is more accurate to state that most folks have placed guards on their mail systems.
I don't buy the "we need open relay for nationwide users" argument, either. Build a cheap MX that does nothing but take mail from a given POP, and send it to the world. Anti-spoofing at the border, don't accept mail from the outside world, and you're done.
You must not have a roaming staff or are willing to keep telcos wealthy.