Nathan Stratton wrote:
On Mon, 4 Sep 2000, Steve Sobol wrote:
Irrelevant. Ameritech is getting spanked for not crediting customers who have had outages; the cost of the SLA doesn't matter.
Yes, but you need to have systems in place to get your credit. I.E. Covad is outside their SLA with us everyday, but they don't have systems in place to credit us. It cost us more time and money to fight with them over the money then it is worth.
That's not the issue with Ameritech, or at least they aren't saying in public that that's the problem. Ameritech is whining that PUCO (the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio) is telling them that they owe a lot more in refunds then what they actually owe. It doesn't seem to be a technical or policy issue in this case; they're arguing details. Whether this involves consumers, corporate end-users, ISP's and resellers, or any combination of the three groups, is information I don't have. Obviously, if the fines are being levied as a result of consumer complaints, there is no SLA involved. -- North Shore Technologies, Cleveland, OH http://NorthShoreTechnologies.net Steve Sobol, BOFH - President, Chief Website Architect and Janitor Linux Instructor, PC/LAN Program, Natl. Institute of Technology, Akron, OH sjsobol@NorthShoreTechnologies.net - 888.480.4NET - 216.619.2NET