On Thu, 9 Sep 2004, Daniel Golding wrote:
It has become trendy, in some circles, performance/congestion/non-deterministic nature/lack of security/<insert issue here>. After firmly denouncing the Internet, the company or individual then touts their product, which will fix/replace/augment the Internet.
Really? Vendors trying to sell useless products? no way! Its amazing the level of internet snake oil that still persists; and even more hillarious is what people pay for it. I thought the bubble bursting would've cut that out, yet still people pay actual dollars for "optimized" internet routing appliances, and craptacular PC's filled with duct tape and glue software.
In the mean time, I've decided to enjoy the Internet in the precious little time it has left. (yes, that was sarcasm)
Well, we can always enjoy Internet2...