There has been at least one other company that I know of in the past couple of years that has done this, although the name slips my mind. Their purpose was to hit poorly spelling surfers with ad's when they typed "ayhoo.com" or "entcom.com" etc... accidently in their browser. Legitimate use of the domains, no matter how stupid :) -Ryan Jeffs On Mon, 11 May 1998, Joe Provo - Network Architect wrote:
I have found that most of the common mis-spellings of our domain name have been registered with the Internic by a company named Americaoffline.
Yup. They've been busy registering dropped-letter variants of many folks. All the zones I've looked at are merely wildcard A records, not purposeful hosts. I was sorely disappointed that http://www.americaoffline.com/ contains no references to malicous nor humourous stuff. Personally, I was hoping for large-scale lampooning.
Nothing at the real provider's home base, INSTANET.COM, reveals anything of interest. Some kook thinking he can auction off typo domains?