8 Jul
8 Jul
3:34 p.m.
On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 12:18:15PM -0400, Shawn McMahon wrote: [snip]
The ORBS approach:
Put people on the list quickly, and make it easy for them to get back off the list.
This statement is in no way a political basis for ORBS. ORBS lists open relay by policy. As simple as that. If ORBS is aware that you are an open relay, you get listed. ORBS is 100% objective.
The MAPS approach:
Make it damn hard to get on the list.
That's because MAPS is not automated, and not objective. MAPS relies on reports of abuse, which can be forged. IIRC MAPS does check if a server is an open relay. If it didn't I would rant :) Greetz, Peter. -- petervd@vuurwerk.nl - Peter van Dijk [student:developer:ircoper]