At 10:43 AM 8/26/99 -0700, bmanning@vacation.karoshi.com wrote:
What this proposal appears to be proposing is to permit NON-CONTIGUOUS netmasks such as:
Or, in binary:
1111111111 10000000 01111111 00000000
Thus, the network number would actually consist of all 8 bits of octet one, the first bit of octet two, the last 7 bits of octet 3 and none of octed four.
Non-contigious masks were allowed up until the CIDR era... :)
As an exercise in insanity, when I teach my TCP/IP course, I use the following example / and ask the students to find the subnet address, first usable node, last usable node and broadcast address for each subnet. Takes them about three hours and then they appreciate the recommendation that all subnet bits be contiguous. What it does do very well is hammer home how these things actually work in terms of varying the host bits and network bits :) eric ========================================================================== Eric Germann CCTec ekgermann@cctec.com Van Wert, OH 45891 http://www.cctec.com Ph: 419 968 2640 ICQ: 41927048 Fax: 419 968 2641 Network Design, Connectivity & System Integration Services A Microsoft Solution Provider