No, what makes this "newsworthy" is exactly what Om Malik says: VoIP is being oversold. http://www.gigaom.com/2005/03/06/voip-has-serious-problems/ - ferg -- Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:
Amidst all the hoopla w.r.t. "port blocking" their service, this outage couldn't have come at a worse time, methinks.
The outage on Friday "left about half of its 500,000 subscribers without phone service for about 45 minutes" and "... was caused by a glitch with a software upgrade on Thursday night."
Nice story, but it doesn't explain why they had a similar looking outage at roughly the same time the day before. Maybe it wasn't quite the "first issue" they've ever had related to software upgrades.
of course none of us have ever had customer-affecting 'issues' with software upgrades, system outages, ... that's what makes this so newsworthy randy