Matt Ranney <mjr@wacky.eit.com> wrote:
So if a bunch of Commies came over to your office with a dump truck full of money and said, "So comrade, we need IP networks that are the fastest they can possibly be. If we dump this in your lobby will you help us?"
I'd tell them to get a hike. Did that many times, actually, and not in safety of an American office.
You'd say no? What if they just bought a bunch of Cisco routers on the open market without any special deal? Should Cisco turn that money away?
Look, it is impossible to keep technology from being used by communist regimes. Like it's impossible to keep knives from hands of murderers. But what do you say about a person who gives a knife to a known murderer knowing very well that it is going to be used to kill yet another victim? And teaches him how to wield it more efficiently? And gets paid for it? --vadim