Well, that is quite wonderful, but when I approached this problem with a collegue of mine over a sat link for a client that wasn't our experience and after considerable tweaking we ended up having to settle for less.
PS: got pointers to documents detailing the 500mbps over OC-12 sat link? email addr will do, as well, I'd love to find out what they did.
Yep, sorry -- I should have included a pointer. Try: David E. Brooks, Craig Buffinton, Dave R. Beering, Arun Welch, William D. Ivancic, Mike Zernic, Douglas J. Hoder. ACTS 118x Final Report High Speed TCP Interoperability Testing, July 1999. http://ctd.grc.nasa.gov/5610/publications/TM-1999-209272.pdf In the first couple of pages they show a results of 473 Mbps over an OC-12 circuit (a little less than line rate, but still quite good) using Solaris. Results with other operating systems varied. I seem to remember a presentation at the TCP Over Satellite IETF WG where over 500 Mbps was reported. My main point was that there is nothing wrong with the TCP *protocol* that makes it under-perform at large delay*bandwidth products. The implementations are not necessarily up to the job in some cases, but the protocol is sound. (Further reference might be the TCPSAT WG's two RFCs: 2488 and 2760). allman --- Mark Allman -- BBN/NASA GRC -- http://roland.grc.nasa.gov/~mallman/