I ever said my marketing people had a fucking clue...... That I will admit to... On Tue, 20 May 1997, w0zz wrote:
On Tue, 20 May 1997, Marc Hurst wrote:
I have the ability and the resources to challenge your accusations internationally,
He has powerful skills, check it out
"SKYSCAPE is a wiser choice than the large brand-name Internet providers. Using a special process called multi-homing, SKYSCAPE connects you to [^^^^^^^^^^^^^] [^^^^^^^^^^] the Internet through no fewer than four of the most dependable backbone service providers on the market.
Through this unique technology, SKYSCAPE's advanced equipment constantly [^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^] switches between backbone providers to consistently deliver you the most efficient connection possible. What that means is that if iSTAR is loaded with traffic, we will automatically send your transmission through carrier SPRINT or MCI, or through any of the other backbone providers to which we subscribe. This distinct process assures you greater efficiency than any single one of those providers can currently provide on its own. This is especially important in the event of operational difficulties or a full system shut-down. " (http://www.fastlane.ca/about.htm)
With "unique technologies" like "multi-homing" who knows what powers he may have that he hasn't disclosed.