Hi Thomas, just go with Flexoptix next day delivery ;) Otherwise I can recommend Jeary from Myriad Supply. He is based in NYC. Phone 866-725-1025 Best regards, Florian On Fri, Apr 10, 2015 at 1:56 PM, Thomas King <thomas.king@de-cix.net> wrote:
Hi Nanog list,
I am looking for a reliable supplier for optics and fibres in the US. A supplier close to NYC is preferable but optional.
The concrete urgent needs are: * SFP+ DWDM optics ** 1x CH44, 1x CH45, compatible with DELL F10 ** 1x CH44, 1x CH45, compatible with Alcatel-Lucent
* LC-LC patch cable ** 2x 2m ** 2x 3m ** 2x 5m
Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
Best regards, Thomas
-- Dr. Thomas King Manager Research & Development
DE-CIX Management GmbH | Lindleystraße 12 | 60314 Frankfurt am Main | Germany | www.de-cix.net | Phone +49 69 1730902 87 | Mobile +49 175 1161428 | Fax +49 69 4056 2716 | thomas.king@de-cix.net | Geschaeftsfuehrer Harald A. Summa | Registergericht AG Koeln HRB 51135
-- Florian Hibler Chief Technical Officer eMail: florian.hibler@kaiaglobal.com Kaia Global Networks Limited Internet: http://www.kaiaglobal.com Company No. 08257877 Registered Office: 3rd floor, 12 Corporation Street, High Wycombe, HP13 6TQ, UK Notice: This transmittal and/or attachments may be privileged or confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this transmittal in error; any review, dissemination, or copying is strictly prohibited. If you received this transmittal in error, please notify us immediately by reply and immediately delete this message and all its attachments. Thank you.