On 4/25/21 12:32 PM, Randy Bush wrote:
my altzheimer's device tells me that some years back there was a documented written agreement between arin and the dod along the lines of dod getting a large swath of ipv6 space[0] in exchange for agreeing to return[1] or otherwise put into public use a half dozen ipv4 /8s.
could you refresh my memory, e.g. with the document, please? thanks.
[0] which they are still trying to figure out how to use; bit isn't half the internet in a similar pinch. :)
[1] since the dod probably did not get the space from arin, 'return' is probably not a good term.
The footnote (11) on page 7 of https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-20-402.pdf seems to be most relevant .. "We are not aware of any statutory requirements that directly address the ability of a government agency to transfer or sell IP addresses to a third party, but DOD would face legal and policy constraints to any potential sale or transfer of the addresses to a third party outside of the government. Among other things, this is because DOD entered into an agreement with the American Registry for Internet Numbers. Specifically, this agreement states the department must return unused addresses to the registry." imb