On 15/Aug/20 11:35, Baldur Norddahl wrote:
No plan survives contact with the enemy. Your careful made growth projection was fine until the brass made a deal with some major customer, which caused a traffic spike. Or any infiniteĀ other events that could and eventually will happen to you.
That's why your operations teams cannot work separately from the Sales teams. If a big deal is in the pipeline, there should be someone operational to do a simple feasibility check to see if the segment in question will handle the traffic. If not, defer to standard lead times to deliver. Or even extended ones if the deal is larger than usual.
One hard thing, that almost everyone will get wrong at some point, is simulating load in the event multiple outages takes some links out, causing excessive traffic to reroute unto links that previously seemed fine.
So rather than simulate, insure, I say. By insure, I mean upgrade each and every backbone link when it hits 50%, and you'll have less to worry about when things start crumbling all over the place. Mark.