From: "William Allen Simpson" <wsimpson@greendragon.com>
From: "Steven J. Sobol" <sjsobol@nacs.net> Ameritech offers the same service, and I've only been charged for the times I've actually used the feature. If I hang up, I don't get charged. I have to believe BellSouth works the same way, although I could be wrong.
Ameritech doesn't offer it here in Michigan, so I don't know what problems there are.
Well, I'll be damned! It's here today. Only 2 days ago, I got a normal busy signal here in Ann Arbor. Just now, I got a voiceover that said "Let repeat dialing call you back when this line is free. To activate, for 75 cents, press 3. No additional charge to repeat dialing customers. If you are calling from a rotary dial phone, please hang up and dial 1166." I could barely hear the busy signal in the background, but the modem didn't catch it. Good thing there isn't a 3 or a 1166 in my dialing sequence. WSimpson@UMich.edu Key fingerprint = 17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26 DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32