25 Apr
25 Apr
3:57 p.m.
--On Friday, April 25, 2003 11:17 AM -0400 Joe Abley <jabley@isc.org> wrote:
On Friday, Apr 25, 2003, at 08:17 Canada/Eastern, Jack Bates wrote:
With the exception of Joe-Jobs, spamvertised websites should be terminated.
If this were rigorously enforced, it would provide a mechanism for anybody with an axe to grind to take out any web site on the planet. Once all the commercial web sites had been taken off the air, the commercial web hosters would go out of business. Once all the web hosters were off the air, the access providers would go out of business (since there would be no interweb left for their customers to look at).
Tired old argument that completely misses the "with the exception of joe jobs" clause.