They were a small government contracting company (belt-way bandit for those in the Washington DC area) with contracts having to do with the running of IBM MVS data centers. The NSF contract was "won" like any other. I am sure there are reading of this list that could supply more (ancient) history. On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Mike Batchelor wrote:
| Signature by unknown keyid: 0x55F01BC7
It never ceases to amaze me that people will create business models around selling products that should be worth nothing...
You mean companies like Network Solutions, nee Verisign? What did NSI do before they got the NSF contract way back when? Did they actually have a line of business that did not rely on the registry, at some point in the distant past (prior to the Chixulub impact)? Or was the company formed just to service and exploit the NSF contract?
--- Computers hate being anthropomorphized.
_____ Douglas Denault doug@safeport.com Voice: 301-469-8766 Fax: 301-469-0601