Another view from OZ. I've got a plan that is labeled as Unlimited (12G) Cable. 12G/M (12:00:00-23:59:59) 24G/M (00:00:00-12:59:59) (Disappears if the base 12G is used up) Once the 12G is used up it drops to 64k. Every 4th month is free as I also have a telephone with this provider. The cost actually dropped this month which is a free month. Previously the alotted transfer has gone up twice (from memory) with no fee increase. When I got the initial plan there wasn't a differentiation between AM and PM and the the allowance was for the whole 24 hour period. There are plans above and below this one. I can move up at any time in the month and have it take effect straight away (untested) and move down at the end of the current billing cycle. If I have the choice on when to do a high volume operation I do it in the AM (24G period). My father has a 200MB plan which gives him 600MB. His use is basically email only and software updates. The later is what can cause him problems if he doesn't manage his usage correctly. I've a friend that works for the provider in question and he is on their highest plan. He has 4 children and a wife who are all active users and does max out his plan on occasions. The big advanatge of these plans is that the cost is fixed even if I've used up all my alotted transfer. Mark