Law enforcement (US or international) knows how to contact us if they have an inquiry to make. We also publish a Transparency Report that covers those legal inquiries: https://www.cloudflare.com/transparency/ ____________ Justin Paine Head of Trust & Safety CloudFlare Inc. PGP: BBAA 6BCE 3305 7FD6 6452 7115 57B6 0114 DE0B 314D On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 9:32 AM, Steve Atkins <steve@blighty.com> wrote:
On Jul 27, 2016, at 9:17 AM, Baldur Norddahl <baldur.norddahl@gmail.com> wrote:
Den 27. jul. 2016 17.12 skrev "Steve Mikulasik" <Steve.Mikulasik@civeo.com>:
Disclaimer: I have a ton of respect for Clouldflare and what they do on
the internet.
They just lost all respect from here. Would someone from USA please report these guys to the feds? What they are doing is outright criminal.
They can monitor (passively or actively) all access to the sites they host, even the ones that use SSL, and they often use their close working relationship with law enforcement to explain why they don't terminate bad actors on their network.
You can probably assume that "the feds" are intimately aware of what they're doing.
Cheers, Steve