On Tue, 10 Feb 1998, Sean M. Doran wrote:
A nice idea would be to have MBONE stuff for the live sessions and then rebroadcasts and archives done via Real Video.
If we are going to continue the experimenting (and I think that we should) then next meeting we should try using a T.120 compatible whiteboard feed for the slides in conjunction with a video/audio feed. The slides that I have seen are illegible at RealVideo resolution and using a video stream for a series of static images is misapplication of the technology, IMHO. Far better use of the video would be to show the speaker along with some shots of the audience from time to time. Some people may object that showing the speaker and the audience does not communicate any technical info and they would be right, however if we are primarily concerned with communicating technical info we would not use video at all, since audio along with a whiteboard feed would suffice. As far as I know, MS NetMeeting is the only product that handles H.323 video/audio along with T.120 whiteboarding. Netscape Conference can do H.323 audio only and CUSeeMe has a conference reflector (MeetingPoint) that does H.323 video/audio for both CUSeeMe clients and NetMeeting clients. But maybe someone else knows more about video/audio/whiteboard interoperability than I? -- Michael Dillon - Internet & ISP Consulting http://www.memra.com - E-mail: michael@memra.com