Look in the O'Reilly "DNS and BIND" book, 3rd ed., page 217. Also, RFC2317. However, I have not yet found a single upstream that even knows how to do it, let alone offers this as a service. They are also not happy that I won't sign control of my domains over to them and that I run my own zone servers. Gee, why don't I hand over my bank accounts while I'm at it? BTW, if you know an ISP that does, I want their contact number. I'm not trying to win any arguments here. If I lose then I win, because I will have found a decent vendor. Also, with my monthly recurring cash on the line, don't you think I've been looking? Also, SpeakEasy seems to not have heard about SWiP.
-----Original Message----- From: Curtis Maurand [mailto:curtis@lamere.net] Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 8:48 AM
I don't remember being able to delegate anything less than a /24 for reverse purposes. Correct me if I'm wrong. You can't swip less than a /24, but you can assign it.
On Mon, 14 May 2001, John Murphy wrote:
<quote> Roeland Meyer, "None of the DSL ISPs can do larger than /27 anymore, even when they're ILECs. Anything less than a /24 can't be SWIP'd..." </quote>
I really couldn't care less about SpeakEasy. I just didn't feel like watching yet another of your blatantly inaccurate blanket statements slide by. Case in point, *both* of those statements above are inaccurate.
-----------------------Original Message-----------------------
From: Roeland Meyer To: John Murphy;nanog@nanog.org Date: 5/14/01 5:06 AM Subject: RE: To CAIS Engineers - WAKE UP AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR CUSTOMERS
From: John Murphy [mailto:nanog@mail.murfnet.com] Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 8:07 PM
I'm sorry Roeland, but your statement about SWIP'ing anything less than a /24 is just inaccurate. We SWIP /29s and /30s daily, for both our Frame and our DSL customers.
Tell it to SpeakEasy.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------ Curtis Maurand System Administrator lamere.net Powered by Prexar http://www.lamere.net mailto:curtis@lamere.net Linux, OS/2, Windows (any flavor) http://www.prexar.com Cisco, OpenRoute, Lucent MySQL, SQL Server, PHP, Perl ------------------------------------------------------------